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Saturday, 22 December 2012


With the kind of world we are now, to touch a fellow human being like u, by touch I mean beat is not civil. No matter what the case might be, it does not make sense to brutally beat a fellow human being like us. I was really surprise when I stumbled on the news on twitter about a security guard beating BBA winner karen igho. I don't think it is culturally audible for men to beat their wives or a man to beat a woman. And it is surely uncivilized for any man to beat a lady.
Am not trying to express any feministic view here. It's not just a feministic view but also a humanistic view. Let me give an illustration here; We all say our mother is our gold, imagine someone denting another person's gold, It's babaric. Man of higher intelligence understands what am trying to justify here. Chief Dele Momodu said on his twitter page that " Who did this to my Sister Karen? Only a monster, not a man, would batter a lady in ...".
Instead wasting your energy in battering a wonderful vessel created by God, use that energy in doing something progressive.

Thursday, 13 December 2012


we r all cut from the same jeweller but am a diff gem! Have always belived that each person on earth got one unique talent or the other. Though we r made by dsame God and sometimes we share thesame color and even same human traits but we are diff in what we can do and what we can't do. No matter what we might face in life we should know that in one way or the other we r unique. A jeweller cuts diff kinds of precious stones but. Each of them is a diff gem in its own form! Never give up on ur dream bcos you are a diff to ur own generation.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Life is an Adventure

We don't need to preach to ea
ch other about life because it unfolds to us differently. But like I always say, words of encouragement will be enough to lift or turn around lives that are already giving up. I have different quotes for u to read but quotes without any clue of what's all about is useless. Life is like a car traveling at night, the driver can only see the next 200feet through the car's pointer and the driver hopes to see next 200feet, maybe there's a ditch or not he'll only know when he gets there. So that's exactly how our life is, we don't know what tomorrow holds but we still hope it's going to be a better day. So life like an adventure we don't know what the next obstacle is. But we should not worry abouttoday instead live today in a hope for better tomorrow. There's no life without it's own trial. What we should learn to do more, is making ourselves happy. Life is about harmony of opposites. Sometimes everything will be good, at times bad. Sometimes fun, at times boring and so more. Life is a blend of opposites but in living In these opposites we should learn to make ourselves happy and know that there would be light at the end of the tunnel. We can only witness the better tomorrow only if we don't kill ourselves in the depression of today. Let our mind always have the word HOPE int it.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Be Humble!

"It's hard to be humble," says an old country song, when you're perfect in every way.Very few people, of course, actually think they're perfect in every way, but it can still be pretty hard to be humble, especially when you live in a society that encourages competition and individuality. Even in such a culture, however, humility is an important virtue. Learning to be humble is of paramount importance in most religions and spiritual traditions, and humility can also help you develop as a person and enjoy richer relationships with others.Even in the bible, it is believed God hates pride and loves humility, he lift up the humble and bring down the pride, so my brothers and sisters if you want God to be pleased with whatever you do, be humble.Though it is believed that humility is one of the hardest virtue to achieve but notwithstanding you can always achieve it by relating with humble ones or people of low status.SO HELP YOU LORD.

How to Make Your Relationships Work : 7 Tips

Many of us have our own definition of relationship. Though there's no unique definition for it, it all depends on the kind of relationship you are in. But still let me just give us 7 tips on how to make a relationship work. Trust your partner A lack of trust will doom any and every relationship. Be on the lookout for controlling behavior, and learn to stop it before it starts. If something is bothering you, you need to be able to talk to your lover about it rather than let it eat away at you. Just don’t assume the worst every time you aren’t certain what is going on, and you’ll find that it probably was never the case anyway. Communicate! We’ve all heard this a million times from every piece of dating advice ever given, but the reason it’s still said so often is because it doesn’t always sink in. The crucial role that open communication plays in a relationship cannot possibly be overstated. Always be honest, even if the implications are painful. Your life will ultimately be happier because of it. Be proactive If your relationship has issues, the last thing you want to do is sit around and wait for somebody else to solve them. If you feel strongly that it is mostly your partner’s fault, then that is a problem in and of itself. If you want your partner to express affection to you, go and express affection to them first. The power is always in your hands to do something meaningful. Love yourself The love your boyfriend or girlfriend gives you will never be a substitute for your own self-esteem. Love yourself, and others will find it easy to love you, too. Don’t undermine yourself or be overly critical. Being relaxed and fun will make both you and your partner the happiest you can be.   Listen always Be open to what your partner says to you, even if it’s critical and even if you disagree initially. Try to gain flexibility and perspective in your life. There’s a difference between a knee-jerk response and a well-thought-out position, and your relationships will improve the more open you are! Think like a couple If you and your significant other really want to spend the rest of your lives together, you need to be an effective team. Don’t be selfish, but also don’t make yourself miserable so that your lover will be happy. The two of you are in this together! Learn to think in ways that benefit you as a couple, rather than just one of you individu
Give them space If your boyfriend or girlfriend likes to do something that you don’t enjoy, just spend that time away from them working on your own hobby. Smothering your partner with your presence will only drive them further away from you. Even though you’re in love, you can lead separate, adult lives.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

MR Writer! Something About You

I don't have to tell you what my views and ideas about life are, but the thing is ,it will be so vain of a reader to read without knowing little or much about the writer. Am one person that hates seeing downed spirit. When people cry in the dark, it's always like a burden to me and all I want to do right there is to give them some words of hope and something to make them happy. I don't relate with people with prejudice. I don't mind what you practice, I don't mind where you are from. What am most concerned about is how motivated are you, What drives you not what you drive. I don't ask people "Can you be like chris brown?". I never wish my girlfriend was Rihanna, I just take everybody as the person they are because there's reason why you are you.All I do is I want everyone to feel special because we created by a special God in a special way. The best way of motivating people is to love them the way they are. That's just little about mister writer.

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Believe in yourself

"Bennie, you can do anything they can do, only you can do it better!". Those words are not mine but those of Sonya Carson to Ben Carson after a woeful performance by the latter, her son. Is there something you'd like to become and you think is too big to be achieved? Do you always think you can't? This is the answer and solution to all "can'ts"; believe in yourself! It didn't take Ben carson much to believe in himself, then he moved from being a dummy to a genius. If Ben could do it then it takes only you to do it better. There are many factors in life that arguably may let you think you can't achieve what you aimed. Examples of these are turn-downs from friends, family and society. But all of these are not excuses for you to be a failure. For you to achieve things the first great step you must take is to believe in yourself and every other thing will fall into place. Having a dream is one thing, believing in yourself that you can achieve what u dreamt is another. Imagine if Obama had said "No, I can't", he wouldn't have become the first black american president. Too many examples of great men and women that took the decision of believing in themselves. They discovered what you haven't, I.e the self. Discover it and believe in it. Unleash the greatness in you!

why I prefer capitalism

To start with, what is capitalism? Just let us define it in a simple but not simplistic diction! Capitalism is an economic system which is chiefly maintained by individual(s) or private ownership. Capitalism promotes individual reasoning. Like anyone with good "reasonability" can form good idea as against that of existing capitalist. There's room for improvement too and it challenges other sources of economy unlike socialism. Socialism is adherent to governmental policies and does not encourage individual rationality! It's not possible for a large number of people to think alike even if their thoughts are the same it's just a mere coincidence. Capitalism if given way, could make every country a better place. A very great country in the world had one way or the other experienced capitalism.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Goddesses,Wives and Whores: I Wet!!!

Goddesses,Wives and Whores: I Wet!!!

Do extra ordinary things

Do things beyond your own imagination,read while others are sleeping,dream while others are seeming,desire while others admire,have vision so that you can achieve your mission for your intention to be possible.Believe in your Ability to change your world.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

The life of a Sinking student.

Too many students smile because their eyes are too heavy with tears. Kudos to those that are brilliant, don't blame the average and dull. There are many reasons why a student will be first in class and while the other one is the last in class.  One of the important reasons why a student won't be an "afiko" you think he should be is that the mind is a battlefield. Some are weak to fight this battle and some are strong. The weak ones are weak because there is no gun in their arsenal (no inspiration). Another reason for been an average is the temprament. There are four temperaments; sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholy and choleric. Temperament like sanguine though have high IQ but not usually a good student(see Tim la haye on temperaments), So before you blame any student for being poor understand their temperaments first.
Instead of casting blames on the weak ones let's encourage them and give them words of hope. A sinking student needs words of motivation to get out of the river of failure.