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Friday, 25 January 2013


Compliment of the day, I wish to view my feelings about the problems Nigeria youths and facing. Nigeria as a very popular country, is filled with great educationist and interllctuals in the world. One major problems of the Nigerian youth is unmployment. This has been a great concern to all the upcoming youth in Nigeria, due to increase in population, great no of graduate were realsead every year, which has caused alot of competion for the little job available. Many University graduate are seen on the street without job, to feed is a very difficult task talkless of chelter. This has caused increased in arm robbery, prostitution, fraud, cheating and all sort of criminal acts. Many youth are wandering seen on the street homeless, selling little things to feed their selfs in which the govenment has not done much about it. Another major problem is lack of good government. Youth are not given chanced in the appropriate sit in the government. In a case where youth are in the goverment, they will surely find solution to this critical issues facing the other youth. But the present government are investing on things which are not bringing any development to the country. Nigeria is a country filled with milk and honey but are managed by uncare and unfare people. I think this is the time for the youth in Nigeria to satnd and fight for thir right, for how long shall we continue in this situations? The future of the nation lies on our hand.

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