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Friday, 25 April 2014

Desire For A Rich Man

If you have come to a point in your life where you know that what you truly want is a rich man, then by all means, do it! There is nothing wrong with wanting a man who is well stocked with resources instead of a man who struggles to pay his rent( to struggle to pay your rent is not bad afterall, every stage in life is a passing phase), just be sure to think things out and make moves that count towards your goal just as you would take classes that count towards your degree. Winning a rich man is a serious business that requires a well constructed plan and a cool head.

*Note: this is not a way for little girls to be happy. I'm not saying your flirting around and dashing away the precious juices of your cookie jar all to get that fraudster is good or legit. I'm just saying as a lady to want a man with money (a made man) is not bad as to what people think.

If you feel guilty about wanting a rich man just as yourself, Is it any worse than a man wanting a beautiful woman over a plain one?

As a matter of fact, I want a lady from a rich background who I won't need to spend on my penny on. To marry or date a lady from almost average class in Nigeria is difficult. They ask you to do everything for them and still ungracious. (got a lot of them, even in my "little city"). *No apology*.

Women are naturally impressed with men such as Aliko dangote, Femi Otedola, who have mastered the art of making their money grow, because it is a strongly masculine trait that only the top dogs ever master, and a goal that women "seldom" achieve on their own. So, don't blame yourself for being a nasty "gold digger", instead, embrace who you are and treat your quest to marry a millionaire like your part time job until you achieve your ultimate goal. And a man should not tag any lady "gold digger". It is unfair to tag any lady a gold digger(except she's actually there to just steal and leave). If your mine is actually big, there's no reason you won't want someone to benefit from it's fullness. Most guys who call girls gold digger are frustrated by their own empty pocket because the is 0 guy who does not want to impress his lady with some cash.

Just as powerful men pursue business ventures, you should master the art of conquering rich men. I've had series of talks with my sisters, telling them how I'd give them to any rich footballer without second thought (Loool, all jokes but.....).

You get the general idea. It probably won't just happen for the average woman(like my sisters). Studying your prey and cleverly working your game is what will bring any man you want to his knees.

You would need a whole lot of everything to win a rich man or even a poor one, without a good game plan.

Most women need to prove that they are worth the effort of matrimony by making the wealthy man she has her heart set on feel at ease and earn his trust through demonstrating her ultra feminine traits over a period of months or, in most situations, years.

In short, your "job" of winning a rich man's heart is truly a full time one, because you have to be on your toes at all times and never become just another common girl in his eyes.

I don't have a specific plan for you, mentioned just what I know. But you are the lady here, common go for it!!!!

Please this is no 'sayer' that ladies should leave happiness for money or leave the guy you so much love for money. And also I'm not saying you should not endure with whoever you want to endure with. It will be cool if you endure with him because sooner or later, his pocket is going to get pregnant. But to desire a man with a good job, huge income is not bad. And if you want such man, you have to go for it.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

How The Modern African Churches Have Lost Focus

How The Modern African Churches Have Lost Focus

By Honourable Saka

It is an established fact that Jesus did not own any material thing throughout the years he spent on earth. It was said that even the donkey he rode to Jerusalem was for somebody. Men of God must learn to live like Christ; not to compete with ordinary mortals for the riches of the earth. Today, wealthy Nigerian pastors spend over $225million on private jets. Over 130 new private jets have been acquired since 2007 at an average cost of $60milion per private jet. Many young ones are therefore seeing the pastors calling to be a very lucrative business. Perhaps, this explains the reason why there are currently so many false prophets around.

In the Holy Bible (Matthew 6:19-20, Luke 12:33), Jesus said: "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. Is this not what the Bible teaches? Do our modern men of God really remember this biblical advice?

I feel so ashamed to see pastors riding in limousines, range rovers, owning a fleet of flashy cars and private jets while the congregants always stand in the scorching sun waiting for the government to provide them with bus. I feel worried to see pastors spending as much as $200 million on private jets that flies only once in a year on a holiday trip, while majority of their congregants who cannot even afford a one-square-meal a day, continue to pray day and night for a miracle, so that they will be able to send their children to school.

According to Mathew 19:21, Jesus said: If you will be perfect, go and sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.  Therefore why don't Christians, especially the men of God, sell their possessions and give the money to the poor like Jesus said? Why are they rather buying private jets, mansions and living all sort of flamboyant lifestyle?

With the current “men of God's” attitude of spending over $85million per private jet (year after year), while they live in African communities where the vast majority of the youths survive on less than $1 a day, it leaves one to wonder whether the modern African churches have the welfare of society at heart.

Can anybody imagine how many lives in Nigeria a whopping $85 million can transform overnight? Imagine how many hospitals or clinics this amount can build. Imagine how many academic scholarships, this amount can provide to the many of the youth who have been praying for years, all because they want opportunity to go to school? Are these men of God truly following the teachings of the Holy Bible? Why are we not seeing them do exactly what Lord expects of His preachers?

In many communities across the African continent, majority of our people continue to live in total darkness (without electricity), we are still grappling with poor healthcare infrastructure, dangerous road networks, lack of educational infrastructure, among others. Most of all, the vast majority of the youth are still grappling with mass unemployment. Of course one would say that it isn’t the duty of the church to be creating jobs. But instead of acquiring these luxurious lifestyles and the countless number of private jets, would it be a bad idea if the church were to invest these amounts of money in the lives of ordinary people, especially the poor?

I know many preachers in Ghana who would never have been where they are today if not for the fact that there were many orthodox churches which built more schools that gave them quality education. Above all, these churches had scholarship packages in place whereby many brilliant but needy students were often sponsored to study both home and abroad.

If you were to ask majority of the young ones who are often spotted at the various prayer camps what their problems were, many would tell you they’re praying for jobs, praying for a miracle (financial sponsorship) to further their education. Many others continue to count on God to heal them of various diseases because they do not have money to foot their medical bills if they were to go to the hospitals.

Yet, in spite of all these, our men of God and our religious leaders who have the power of spiritual discernments, and who can envision the nature of our woes, pretend they have no clue whatsoever as to how best the church can contribute to relieve the youth of their burden. The churches continually pay a blind eye to the needs of the poor within the church itself. It is usually the rich men who seem to receive the attention of the church. In fact, many rich men are usually given some positions in the church all because of the financial contributions they can make at any given time.

But it is easy to understand because the Holy Bible says in Proverbs 14:20 that “The poor are disliked even by their neighbours, but the rich have many friends”.

For the past few years, I have been wondering and wondering: Wasn’t it the missionary and the orthodox churches that built many universities, training colleges, secondary schools and basic schools, community libraries etc, across Africa that gave quality education to many of today's pastors?

In Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Zambia, South Africa among others, one can list a countless number of schools: basic schools, secondary schools, training colleges, and even universities  all of which were built by the orthodox churches such as the Presbyterian Church, the Methodist Church, the Roman Catholic Church, just to mention a few.

Typical examples in Ghana are: Presbyterian University College, Catholic University College, Ghana Baptist University College, Methodist University, Pentecost University, Christ Apostolic University College and many more.

These universities have been offering quality education and all the support to the poor and the needy in Ghana.

At the same time, some of the best secondary schools in Ghana have usually been the ones built by the orthodox churches in the likes of Pope John’s Secondary School (Roman Catholic), Saint Rose’s Secondary School (Roman Catholic), Presbyterian Boys Secondary School (Presby), Saint Peter’s Secondary School (Roman Catholic), just to mention a few.

Thanks to the orthodox churches. Today, Ghana can boast of many best schools that have contributed to producing quality engineers, medical doctors, architects, lawyers, professors and all sorts of wonderful professionals most of whom received their education in one or two of the schools build by the orthodox churches without paying a penny.

But today, it hurts me so much to ask: What happened to the modern charismatic churches and their pastors? Why are many of them only interested in acquiring mansions abroad, buying a fleet of luxurious cars, throwing up expensive parties, and most recently competing among themselves to own the latest fleet of cars or which one has the most sophisticated number of private jets.   

Why must the media bother us with questions such as: “who is the richest pastor”, “which pastor has the highest number of private jets”, “how many pastors are richer than the most corrupt politicians” and so on?

Instead of competing among themselves with feeding the poor and the hungry, providing their communities with basic infrastructure,  creating institutions that will empower the youth in areas of science and technology, building libraries with ICT facilities that will serve to cater for the dearth of knowledge in society;  rather, it saddens my heart to see today’s men of God competing to live an affluent life style while majority of the young ones continue to pray for angels to and save them.

Recently, it is becoming increasingly clear that the ‘modern’ African churches have lost focus. This is because, thought they know exactly what the Bible teaches, many of the leadership are rather interested in enjoying the worldly pleasures. Our modern religion is becoming the most profitable industries/businesses. The modern church business is a multi-million dollar businesses which rival that of oil tycoons. 

Mfonobong Nsehe, a Nigerian blogger who blogs for Forbes business magazine, says pastors own businesses from hotels to fast-food chains.

“Preaching is big business. It’s almost as profitable as the oil business,” he said.
The joint wealth of five pastors was at least $300m (£200m). These pastors are flamboyant. You see them with private jets and expensive cars”

Consequently, many of the youth are forcing themselves into becoming men of God at all cost. They see the church business to be lucrative. Thus, they establish churches not as instruments for the transformation of lives in society but as a means to acquire wealth and luxury without any hard work. No wonder about 90% of today’s sermons are all about prosperity and the quest to become rich. Nobody preaches salvation any longer and there is no more love - a clear indication that the end time is here.

Honourable Saka is the project coordinator for the Project Pan-Africa, available at: He can be contacted on Email: He is grateful to all the  media partners which support his vision for the African youth.

Friday, 18 April 2014

Dating is Dead : Social Media effect.

Dating is dead. So says the media.

Girls, stop expecting guys to make any formal attempt at winning your affections. Don’t sit around waiting for a boy/guy/man to make you a priority, communicate his intentions, or even call you on the phone. Exclusivity and intentionality are ancient rituals, things of the past, and misplaced hopes.

I beg to differ. It’s not that this new line of thinking is necessarily untrue today, or that it’s not the current and corrupt trend of our culture. It’s wrong. One of our most precious pursuits, that of a life-long partner for all of life, is tragically being relegated to tweets, texts, and Facebook pokes, to ambiguous flirtation and fooling around. It’s wrong.

If you’ve been away from the dating scene for long, you may be surprised to find how much has changed. A nervous phone call has been replaced with an impersonal note or text; a private break-up has become a public spectacle. Ladies now take to twitter/facebook and other social media networks to tell people that they are tired of their relationships. Instead of settling your disputes or making a gentle get away(break up), we prefer to now take advice from number of followers /online friends who are in the shallow of their own errors.

Like I said in two of my plenty posts (kidding about plenty) , I'm not campaigning against social media but I'm not a big fan of it. There’s no doubt that social media sites, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, BBM and Twitter, have improved our lives in many ways. It’s free and easy to stay in touch with family and friends, find a job, or boost the visibility of a business, but its impact on the dating world has raised a host of concerns.

Arguably, subscribers to social media would say social media made contact easier. Yes it is true, I like the fact too. I met pool of ladies through it but only one metamorphosed into dating. I'm thankful for that. But please don't let's not forget the age of zero social media(or its awareness, because if you are not aware of an entity then it doesn't exist). Social media makes getting a date (and breaking up with a partner) as simple as the click of a mouse. This can have a number of positive and negative side effects. Because social media sites take away the immediacy of person-to-person contact, men and women are more likely to initiate contact than they once were. Distance, a busy schedule and lack of access to potential partners are no longer barriers to dating.

On the negative side, for those looking for a committed, long-term relationship, social media may be making it too easy to meet people. Easy accessibility to an enormous pool of potential partners may be contributing to serial dating (juggling multiple relationships at one time), promiscuity and infidelity. Though we’re able to contact a long list of people, social media sites may not be enabling the deep, long-lasting companionship that many hope to find. Rather than investing in one or two serious relationships, people may find themselves only superficially engaged in a series of short-term interactions.

You can learn a lot about a person through profiles and blogs before agreeing to meet. If they tweet, you can even find out mundane details about what they had for lunch or who they hung out with after work.

But even with extensive detective work, the truth is you never really know what you’re going to get. While social networking sites attract millions of smart, well-adjusted people, there are just as many people lying about who they are, what they do and how they look. Some are outright dangerous. The truth is you never know which of these individuals will show up looking to take you on a date. Like the case of Bimbo Eyinade, who went to archi (somewhere in OAU) but was disappointed with the look and had to run. Oh! Abdulahi's story is funny too but story for another day.

Depending on your privacy settings, status updates may allow your entire online social network to see the changes that take place in your personal life. Met a new beau? Great, but now the dilemmas begin: Who changes their Facebook status first? What if the other doesn’t reciprocate? Who says I love you first? By that, dating is dying and genuine dating chances are breaking because one party picked loving through his/her heart rather than through BBM status, twitter etc.

These are the killers of healthy relationship.

Someone once accused me of stating problems, but not solving it. Infact I'm not sorry to say i had a burst out with someone so dear because I couldn't give the solution to what I think is a recurring problem. But for me I think we in ourselves know the solution(s). Look inwardly into the problem, what caused it, how you got in.