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Thursday, 31 January 2013

Be Optimistic!!!

I have a good frend that is generous with BC (BB broadcast message). And this morning he sent "It'll all make sense one day,maybe not today,have faith, be hopeful and positive". He inspired me to share this article on optimism, one have been keeping in my draft for almost 2 weeks.

Optimists are undoubtedly more successful in all of their pursuits. When one maintains a positive mindset and expects success one is more driven to achieve his or her goals. Have you ever seen a pessimistic person be successful, happy or have a grand accomplishment? I doubt you have ever witnessed this rare occurrence, as it happens rather infrequently. Pessimistic people are left behind and have few accomplishments.

The optimistic conquer great feats and hurdle obstacles that pessimists couldn’t. Rather then focusing on whatever negative possibilities, they choose to fixate their minds on actively finding solutions using their new vision to thrive and succeed—but you’re Elite, you already knew that.

Winners are winners because they have embraced failure as a fact of life and risen above it. It’s not what happens to them that determines their rewards; it’s how they perceive these events.

Champions view negative events as being one off incidents, whereas losers think of them as being permanent and pervasive–here to stay. Losers allow minor setbacks to affect them in the long term, thus nullifying the possibility of progress before an attempt is made.

Optimism allows us to move on despite our setbacks and our bruises. There are no failures if we learn and decide to bounce back from such obstacles. Unfortunate circumstances are only truly failures if we decide to remain defeated. Keep our words in mind and you will have a level of optimism that will give you the strength to endure any test.

Be optimistic.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Rihanna on her affair With Chris Brown

Are they or aren't they? Rihanna and Chris Brown have played coy about their recent reconciliation, posting revealing Instagram photos of each other and releasing curious songs-with-a-message like "Nobodies Business." Now in a new interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Rihanna continues to neither deny nor confirm a romantic relationship with her ex-boyfriend, but does talk about why she decided to give him a second chance.
In a preview of the article that hits stands Friday, the 24-year-old "Diamonds" singer says of Brown:
"I decided it was more important for me to be happy. I wasn't going to let anybody's opinion get in the way of that. Even if it's a mistake, it's my mistake. After being tormented for so many years, being angry and dark, I'd rather just live my truth and take the backlash. I can handle it."
She adds that she feels safe in her relationship with Brown, and how its evolved:
"But it's different now. We don't have those types of arguments anymore. We talk about shit. We value each other. We know exactly what we have now, and we don't want to lose that... He doesn't have the luxury of fucking up again. That's just not an option. I can't say that nothing else will ever go wrong. But I'm pretty solid in knowing that he's disgusting by that. And I wouldn't have gone this far if I ever thought that was a possibility."
Of course, Rihanna's words now are in sharp contrast from what she told Diane Sawyer in November 2009, nine months after Brown assaulted Rihanna in a car on the eve of the Grammys. In the emotional interview, Rihanna admitted that she had left Brown partly out of an obligation to set the right example for young women. "When I realized that my selfish decision for love could result into some young girl getting killed, I could not be easy with that part. I couldn't be responsible ... If Chris never hit me again, who's to say that their boyfriend won't ... kill these girls?" she told Sawyer.
The singer revealed that there had been "eight or nine" previous incidents of domestic assault with Brown prior to that night, warning the camera: "Don't react off of love. F love. To come out of the situation and look at it third-person and for what it really is, you then make your decision. Because love is so blinding."
For more, click through to, or pick up a copy of the new issue, out on stands Friday.

Oloko mi wa s'aye (my driver to the world)

Apake, omo motomori
You are the sunlight in my day,
You are the moon I see far away.
You are the tree I lean upon,
You are the one that makes troubles be gone.
You are the one who taught me life,
How not to fight, and what is right.
You are the words inside my song,
You are my love, my life, my mom.
You are the one who cares for me,
You are the eyes that help me see.
You are the one who knows me best,
When it's time to have fun and time to rest.
You are the one who has helped me to dream,
You hear my heart and you hear my screams.
Afraid of life but looking for love,
I'm blessed for God sent you from above.
You are my friend, my heart, and my soul
You are the greatest friend I know.
You are the words inside my song,
You are my love, my life, my Mom.

I'm so happy my mom is a year older today!!!!!!!!

Mom has been with me every step of the way during my life, even when she wasn’t exactly “with” me. While there are a great deal of things I’ve done with some help from others, Mom has been there to help me whenever I’ve needed it. Sure, there are certain things I’ve inherited from her.

Every seed of you is a blessing, you gave me a wonderful DAODU, Sir Bayor (man of the house) and an amazing bereolu (mother of the house), Ope. Not to forget my ever loving abigbeyin, oluwabukola aduke and you gave us Adeniyi as the dad everyone is praying to have. I celebrate you today and I'll nevr forget the countless scoldings which gave us the proper moral upgbringing.

Iya mi, iya rere ki ni un o a fi san ore ati itoju nla ti o ti se fun mi. Orisa bi iya osi, o gbe mi si inu fun osun mesan, gbanko (big) bayi ni mo ri nigba to bi mi. Iya mi un o se gbagbe oun nla to gbese laye mi. Ki oba oke ko'je ko pe laye ko le jeun omo. Aridunu iya ni ki eledua ko se iya mi fun mi.

All I want to say to my mother is Happy birthday to you................... My driver to this mundane world.............. I love and cherish you.


There's one thing I know that you all don't know that's THE SECRET. The secret of the law of attraction.
The Secret Law Of Attraction is the most powerful law in the universe.

The knowledge of this law has run like a golden thread through the lives and the teachings of all the prophets, seers, sages and saviors in the world's history, and through the lives of all truly great men and women.

All that they have ever accomplished or attained has been done in full accordance with this most powerful law.

This law can work in getting you anything that you want or desire. The law is at simple as ; you can attract whatever you want in life but you have to have a powerful mind. For example if you are always sad, you attract sadness to your life. So let me relate it to you in a sense you'd understand.

So many people work so hard to make money only to find that, rather than create more money, they only create more work. If we understand the Law of Attraction (that we get more of what we put our attention on), it only makes sense. Our attention is on the work - on what we have to do to make money.

But you don't have to do anything, and in this infinitely abundant universe, you don't have to make money; it's already everywhere.

What's more, those working so hard to make money are making money; they're just not keeping it, or using it for the things they desire. "But I have bills.

I have needs that must be met before I can spend on my desires," the argument goes. The typical conclusion? "I simply need to make more." So how do we make money to meet our needs and fulfill our desires?

Focus on the desire. One of the fundamental keys to attracting money into your life is, rather than focusing on the money, focus instead on what it is you want that money to help you do or have.

We already focus on money and work and meeting our needs, and look what happens. The Law of Attraction brings us money and work and meets our needs (we eat, we have shelter, and we're not dead yet). Focus on that which we desire and the Law of Attraction will also bring us the means to attain it.

It's not an either/or situation; not in this universe, it isn't.

On a spiritual level it can be argued that the only reason you don't have the money for what you want yet is because either you haven't seen yourself as having that desire fulfilled or you haven't brought yourself into energetic alignment with its happening.

Either that or you already do have the money for. what you want here and now and your vision is just too clouded for you to see it.

Fear of scarcity and lack cloud our ability to recognize our current state of abundance. We're so afraid of losing what we have or of not having enough for what we need that we cling to whatever we do have; we horde.

This keeps us cut off from the free flow of infinite abundance that is our natural state. Our focus on scarcity and lack creates more scarcity and lack. Our focus on the little we do have keeps us having little.

Despite common misunderstanding, "Money is the root of all evil," is not how the saying goes; it's actually: "The love of money is the root of all evil."

Money is just a means to an end. Fixating on the means rather than the end is the error. That just keeps you locked in a vicious and exhausting cycle of pursuing endless means. The 'end' is just your current desires. Are your desires evil? If you judge them to be so, then it's your desires you may need to change.

But chances are you don't think your desires are evil. Removing the stigma you may have about money is a invaluable step in allowing money to pass through your hands.

Everything is in motion. Like water, like breath, like time - everything flows. Disengaging from the flow is the way to create and perpetuate and reinforce the illusion of scarcity and lack. Engaging in the flow is the way to attract affluence.


Ever notice how a chronic complainer always seems to have something to complain about? Or how certain people always seem sunny and bright, no matter what hardships they're dealing with, as if the weight of all their troubles seems to just slip right off them? What's that all about?

:"When it rains, it pours," the proverbial 'they' say; why is that? Why does everything seem to go from bad to worse for some people while for others nothing ever seems to go wrong? In a word: magnetism. Everyone has a magnetic personality. How about that?

In all our endless trials and tribulations to get what we want in life, the solution - or maybe more aptly put: the method - is startlingly simple:

Like attracts like.

That's it. Whatever energy we put into out into the world is precisely the energy we get back. And having all your heart's desires fulfilled doesn't get any harder than that.

If you put out to the world that nothing goes your way, that everything you touch turns to (insert expletive here), that good things happen to other people but not to you, then that's exactly what you're going to get: more circumstances justifying those beliefs.

But if instead you put out to the world that you can handle any challenges that come your way, that you can do anything you put your mind to, that love is the answer to every question, that you deserve to be happy, healthy, and fulfilled, then everywhere you turn, that is just what you'll find.

One way to look at it is that the Universe (or God, or whatever other name you choose to give to the all-present, all-powerful, creative force underlying everything) wants you to have what you want. And when you put out certain vibrations into the Universe, it takes those as messages from you that that's what you want created.

The Universe is there to serve you. It will produce for you whatever evidence you need to justify the world as you see it. Therefore, if you see the world as a dark, cold, and unfriendly place, that's exactly what you'll get. But by the same token, if you instead choose to see the world as a loving, giving, and abundant place, then that's the world you'll get.

Why doesn't everybody do this then? How is it that so many people can use "logic" and evidence from their own lives to argue against it? And "why do bad things happen to good people, then?"

Because the evidence we speak of does not necessarily come in the form or the time frame we expect. (In fact usually it does not). And because proof must follow belief, not the other way around. We can't wait until we see this phenomenon proven before we take is a truth. We must make the brave choice to see it that way first, and then watch the proof snowball in.

We can't control situations, but we can control our inner state, and it is this - our internal mental/emotional/spiritual state, our perceptions, interpretations, and attitudes - that the Universe mirrors to give us what it thinks we want, namely: more of that same negative or positive energy.

In a very real way, we are magnets that draw to us more of whatever vibrations we emit. It can be argued that we do not live in the same world as everyone else, that we live each in our own world, shaped by our expectations and beliefs. If your expectations and beliefs are positive ones, then you will find circumstances bending over backwards to prove you right. If, however, you persist on painting everything with a negative brush, the Universe will only be too happy to oblige.

For comprehensible details on this secret check . Or contact me for the clip.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

MR Goodlife

I will be too selfish if I don't let you enjoy from the talent of ROY PEEZY (Mr Goodlife). He's Oluwarotimi Akinnuoye, from Ile Oluji in Ondo state. He's a graduate of Philosophy from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. He's one of the finest upcoming Rap artiste, he's lyrically magnificient and can carry chorus all by himself (a feature so strange to many of our rap artistes). His songs like E Je ka Jo, Naming ceremony and Paloma are pulling stunts in Ife and Ondo, in a lil while he'd be on the speakers and turn table of every DJ(disc jockey) in Naija. He has teamed up in studio with OMG (omogade) with beats from antikakerworm producer of Ere itage (ill'mota ft Olamide YBNL). With the help of God, his manager and increasing fans, I believe he's going places and not just places greater ones!

Am one of the people with the idea of supporting upcoming artistes so that I won't have to 'famz' with them when dem don blow. So click on the links below for his tracks.

Paloma -

Naming ceremony ft OMG-

For your shows and party you can contact him at 22EF3288 , @imroypolo or 2956F5B8, @samgbotemi. Thanks and enjoy the tracks

Monday, 28 January 2013

Much Ado About Money

There is no denying the fact that money plays a crucial part in our lives and without money life would be difficult …. . In fact am one of these people who easily get frustrated when they are broke, and maybe the reason why am writing this at 3:30am is because I am. But I think I should be able to tell you one or two things about money.

One certainly cannot deny the fact that money is important and very essential in our lives. We hear many people say that they don’t want money or that money means nothing to them.This sweeping statement has to be taken with a pinch of salt , because at the end of the day , one needs to exist and for that all of us need a certain amount of money or finance! Money is the bicycle for evangelism. As a matter of fact one of the reason why people strive hard to read, hustle is for money and to be able to meet up with their finances.

What may be different is the degree of dependence on money by different individuals. Some people are happy if their needs are met with and have no great ambitions related to money. Some others have a few ambitions related to their family and personal life and do their best to attain their dreams for all of which money is important.

There are also some like the shameless class of politicians and bureaucrats who can do anything, I mean anything to get money. They believe that power is related to money, so once they have the money, they can control everyone. They would make money at every possible opportunity with no hesitation and this is probably the worst face of money and greed related to the power money can give us !

One other thing is the growing rate of internet fraud among young guys and also the alarming rate of Yahoo+. Yahoo+ is a term in nigeria for internet fraud supported with talisman or some traditional enriching charms. This phase of life is what I call desperation, insecurity of what the future holds.

Money should not be the purpose of our lives but instead it should be a means through which we could manage our lives better. A person should have his/her priorities right with regard to relationships and other aspects of life without giving too much importance only to money related matters.

Money should be earned through hard work and fair means , which in turn gives you mental satisfaction and peace of mind. If not guilt and a troubled conscience will never let you remain happy in life ! This is very important in life because the root cause of all mental and health troubles begin with a troubled conscience and moral guilt ! It's money earned through hard work, self dedication and clean conscience that could give you all audacity to say "You know sey money no be problem" *in sarkodie's voice*.

So, There is no denying the fact that money plays a crucial part in our lives and without money life would be difficult, but it depends entirely on us as to how wisely we earn and use money in our lives.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Your Wrist Watch And You!


Well let's talk about fashion. Really am not fashionistic ;) but I really have good fashion tips. Just like my crazy would say "U know say money na be d problem". Lol.

Do you use wrist watch? Do you have wristwatches? How do they look? What collections do you use? I used to be one person that can spend lot on wrist watches but not anymore, not because I don't like them but because of the reason above.

There's one truth just like dressing is an expression , your wrist watch also talk about you. atches and what they say about you is more important than you think! Most people believe that you show yourself to others through your shoes, briefcase, jewellery, handbag, suit, car, computer or phone.

Recently people don't fancy using wrist watches because you are surrounded by timepieces wherever you go - on your computer, laptop, PDA, mobile or cell phone, as well as in your car, home and on people around you. So why do you wear one? There different types of watches and it's each type that will describe the kind of person that you are.

Character or personality watches.
Is your watch an extension of yourself? Do you use it to reveal your unique personality, status, fine upbringing, wealth, etc., or do you deliberately try to understate your watch as an accessory? Is it an issue of self confidence? Alternatively, do you use your watch to show a false personality like wearing a diver’s watch (even though you cannot swim!) just to get people talking?

Classic watches.
This type of watch tends to indicate to people that you are sincere, consistent, down to earth, dependable, etc. How better to communicate trustworthiness!

Sports watches.
Is the type of watch you wear dictated by your sport or hobby, e.g., suitable for hang gliding, wind surfing, skiing, biking, snowboarding, ice skating, underwater diving, etc? Or do you wear a sports watch - like a diver’s watch say - purely because you do not want the bother of having to remove it when in the shower or bath!

Fun Watches.
There are some watches people use just because they wanna have some fun. So when you see a fun wrist watch on someone's wrist his just trying have fun, that doesn't mean he's not serious. Do you wear novelty or children’s watches to show you are playful and see the fun in everything? Does your watch reveal your uniqueness or quirky side? It does show you are a free spirit with limitless imagination and creativity!

Dress watches.
Do you wear watches that were originally made for aristocrats and the gentry - designed to show off your status? Or do you use them to ‘power dress’, showing the world your elegance, classiness or stylishness? Do you take things a bit further and show your opulence with watches made of mother-of-pearl, silver, gold, diamonds or other precious metals? That's good !

Your watch can say a lot about you without you uttering a word. Even before you shake someone’s hand, they will usually have noticed your wrist watch. Whether your watch is new, old, pre-owned, borrowed or inherited, this self development article shows how it can tell people more about you than you think!


Fear is illusory; it cannot live...Courage is eternal, it will not die. Perils, calamities, dangers are the certain lot of every man who is a denizen(inhabitant) of this world. Therefore, O Man! Fortify your mind with courage and patience. Fortitude, courage, presence of mind will sustain you through all dangers. Just as a rock on the sea-shore stands firm and the dashing of the waves does not affect it even a bit, even so a man who is endowed with courage is not affected by the dark perilous waves of this world.

You can never be perfect, so just take out the fear of making mistakes, use your courage to suppress it. “Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people.” A famous quote by Anne Lamott in her book Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life.

Like NIKE( the designer) 'just do it'. That particular thing that causes fear should be what you should do. If you’re the kind of person that likes doing things the easy way, then you might like just letting the fear be there and doing it anyway. There’s no rule that says that you have to let fear control you. When you’ve done things in fear a few times, it starts to go away on its own, because you begin to realize that there’s nothing dangerous about fear.

This is a lot easier said than done, so do it in small steps. Be okay with not being perfect. It’s easy to get bogged down by perfection. We’ve been taught unconsciously since early childhood that making mistakes is bad.

In fact, there are many sayings and experts that stress the importance of making mistakes for creating and achieving great things. Your fears can be a propeller for success. Fear is the spice in our life and using it to your advantage can make the difference between being miserable and being happy.

Fear is painful when you try to push it away. Don’t resist. Allow the fear to fill your whole body and be completely aware and curious of how it affects you. A funny thing happens when you do this, the fear usually disappears because you’re not afraid of it. Remember those dreams where you’re being chased by something horrible? Fear is the same way. It’s chasing you, but once you stop running and turn around, it goes up in smoke, because it was an illusion.

Another great way to overcome your fear is gratitude. Have you ever noticed how hard it is to be afraid, angry or depressed while thinking about what you are grateful for? There are many exercises you can go through, but I’ll spare you, because there are no rules needed to take advantage of the feelings that gratitude provides.

at I do is I sit or lie down, go through everything I am grateful for and keep doing it until I feel satisfied and happy. I then bask in that feeling and really get curious about how I can feel so good and how I can feel even better. Ask the right questions and magic happens. There’s no room for fear when you’re in a deep state of gratitude.

Giving you this because you won't need that fear in the new week. So stand up, fight the fear or use the fear to achieve greatness.

Friday, 25 January 2013

graduation excitement

Whew! It been 6years I graduated last but am graduating in some hours time. I can't say am nervous but let me say I am a bit, I'm really looking forward to the next few hours . Graduation is an exciting moment in one's life.......the excitement of being done with school if not finally at least for some months or years maybe is something to rejoice for. So we are getting a degree and we are moving on, that's so it (what we wanted). There's this relief , the burden of over night classes been done with, no more Dr idowu's 'problemted', I won't be seeing Dr fasiku's big shirts. Am not going to miss that hating look on HOD's face. And most of us can't even sleep, it's an amazing feeling! The last paper is the last test as an undergraduate. Sorry, gimme a second chance, lemme get my story straight. Oh! The story is we are graduating in some hours time. It's not all about graduating 'anyways', looking forward to what the future holds is part of it, the anticipation of exploring the world is what we can't wait to do. Not just writing this for myself, to all OAU finalists, am happy for 'us' all. The future will be so bright we'd need a sun shade to see it, lol! Celebrate your great and little efforts over the years. !!!!!!!!!!!


Compliment of the day, I wish to view my feelings about the problems Nigeria youths and facing. Nigeria as a very popular country, is filled with great educationist and interllctuals in the world. One major problems of the Nigerian youth is unmployment. This has been a great concern to all the upcoming youth in Nigeria, due to increase in population, great no of graduate were realsead every year, which has caused alot of competion for the little job available. Many University graduate are seen on the street without job, to feed is a very difficult task talkless of chelter. This has caused increased in arm robbery, prostitution, fraud, cheating and all sort of criminal acts. Many youth are wandering seen on the street homeless, selling little things to feed their selfs in which the govenment has not done much about it. Another major problem is lack of good government. Youth are not given chanced in the appropriate sit in the government. In a case where youth are in the goverment, they will surely find solution to this critical issues facing the other youth. But the present government are investing on things which are not bringing any development to the country. Nigeria is a country filled with milk and honey but are managed by uncare and unfare people. I think this is the time for the youth in Nigeria to satnd and fight for thir right, for how long shall we continue in this situations? The future of the nation lies on our hand.

the power to make a change

The power of change is in your palms.The time to make political changes,economical and social changes is by your door step,let it come in.Nigeria is a country blessed with countless number of intellect,let's join hands to lift the glory of Nigeria up and high. We are the elements and instruments of change,let's start by using our power.
A change is identifying something in your community that is not fair, just, or humane and developing a process to address the cause of this issue in hopes of bringing more justice and equity to the situation. Many people believe that they don’t have what it takes to make a difference to the world. They believe only people like Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, and the likes, are capable of making a difference. The truth is, every one of us can or Should contribute and make a difference to the world in our own unique way. It need not be anything out of the world. It just needs to be something you do with the intention of ‘doing good’. The following is a guide as to how small people like us can make a difference to the world. 1. It Need Not Be an Enormous Task “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” – Mother Teresa You already have what it takes to make the world a better place. Making a difference to the world may seem like an enormous task, but it is in fact the collective effort of everyone to make small contributions with a lot of heart. Little efforts will sum up to a large whole. The size of the contribution is not what matters most. The key here is to have the heart to do it. 2) START NOW “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” – Anne Frank There is no one best time to start to make a difference to the world. You don’t need to wait till you have the time to share some love; you don’t have to wait till you make more money to share a slice of bread. Little efforts count, and you can start making small contributions today. 3. Your Contribution is Never Too Small “Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something.” –gbotemireflections If you think that everything has been taken care of by somebody and your contribution is not going to make much of a difference, then you’re wrong. Can you imagine if everyone else starts to think the same way? In fact, it is our responsibility to seek ways to contribute, large and small. You don’t have to be concerned you’re only capable of making small contributions. What counts is the effort. 4. The Greatest Gifts of All “Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” – Buddha Happiness and love are the two greatest gifts you can give to the world. Too often, we’re too indulged in our own gratifications that we forget there are people in this world whom we can make a little happier and feel more loved. As the saying goes, “To receive, you must first give.” The more you give, the more you’ll receive. Let us remind ourselves that in order to receive more happiness and love, let’s spread more of them first. 5. Empower Other People “Abilities wither under criticism; they blossom under encouragement.” – Dale Carnegie You can change the world by helping one person at a time. One of the ways to help someone is to empower the person. But how do you empower a person? Well, one of the ways is to be generous in giving praise and encouragement instead of criticism. By praising and encouraging the person, you’d have helped him/her to accomplish what he/she is meant to be, and that would lead to more value being added to the world. 6. Seek to Make a Long-Lasting Effect “The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.” – Benjamin Disraeli Just like the traditional african saying that don't just give a man fish, teach him how to be a fisherman, for this he will be forever grateful. The good that we seek to do will make more of a difference when there’s a long-lasting effect rather than a temporary effect. For example, if we make contributions to build a school, it will benefit many people for years to come. And when more people receive education, they will in turn provide more value to the world. We all have the power to make a change. 7. Influence with no discrimination. When you want to make a changee do not be selective. Don't neglect a race, a class, a community because they don't matter, in fact everyone matter a lot. It's those who you think low of that are in need of that your to make a change. Th power to make a meaningful is in you, make use of it. Like talent it can't waste if not used.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Don't Quit

To quit is to be afraid of the present condition thinking the susbsequent events would be worse. A real winner must learn how not to quit, how to endure and also learn perseverance. At some point or other, we have all thought about giving up. No matter what the task it, we get to a point where we can no longer see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to make it to the finish line. Let me give you a quote about telling you the popular story of KFC. Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did. - Newt Gingrich. So with the little piece am about to share, I hope you'd have reason(s) to hold on to that dream and never give up. I thought it will be a good idea to share inspirational stories with you all. When Colonel Harland Sanders retired at the age of 65, he had little to show for himself, except an old van, a $105 monthly pension check, and a recipe for chicken. Because he knew he couldn't live on his pension, he took his chicken recipe in hand, got behind the wheel of his van, and set out to make his fortune. His plan was to sell his chicken recipe to restaurant owners, who would in turn give him a residual for every piece of chicken they sold--5 cents per chicken. The first restaurateur turned him down, so did the second, So did the third. In fact, the first thousand of restaurants Colonel Sanders approached turned him down. But he continued to call on owners as he travelled across the USA and sometimes he slept in his car to save money. After two years of making daily sales he had signed up a total of five restaurants. Still the Colonel didn't give up on his dream, knowing that he had a great chicken recipe and that someday the idea would catch on. Of course, you know how the story ends. The idea DID catch on. By 1963 the Colonel had 600 restaurants across the country selling his secret recipe of Kentucky Fried Chicken (with 11 herbs and spices). This same KFC is where every babe cries to go to, the perseverance of someone who never gave up is what we all long to eat someday perhaps everyday. Though the sales made him a multi-millionaire, he continued to represent and promote KFC until his death in 1990. But he was bought out of it by the then Kentucky governor. The lesson am trying to pass through this story is that never give up and its never too late to decide to never give up. Never give up on your dreams, perseverance, endurance and patience is the key to a success story.....

Monday, 21 January 2013

sweet bitter experience

. You think you are emotionally abused? Yes?? No??? I tell you if all you do is spend your emotion on someone who does not worth it then you are also emotionally abusing yourself. But I've heard stories and have experienced this. But I want to share the story of a friend with you, after reading it please comment and advise my friend. *warning this will be a Long post but will be an emotional, interesting and a thoughtful one. My friend is a lady anyway and let us assume she's dammy by name. This is her story..... "I met my ex when I was 19/20 at a time when I was already emotionally weak from my personal and family situations at the time. He was a year older than me. He has a figure of LeBron and a face of Chris brown. This is just to let you know how hot he is! We were working together in the same company where I did my IT(industrial Training), he was a permanent . He said he fell in love with me at first sight and, at that time, had sought to find out as much about me as possible (took about a month) before he finally approached me. I was eager to make new friends and meet new people within the company. I wasn't attracted to him at first and we became quick friends. After a few weeks, he began the chase. He bought me flowers, wrote me poems in different languages lol, declared his love for me over and over. I rejected him time and time again but he was persistent. He told everyone that I was the one and he would not give up until he got me. For about 2 months, he'd come to my house with new antics, new jokes, new toys to cheer me up whenever he thought I was down (he knew about my family problems). I was becoming more and more attracted to him with each passing day. I thought he must've believed I was really special to pursue me so relentlessly. I finally agreed to start dating him when I noticed I missed him whenever he was not around. (Butterflies in my tummy finally) *giggles* . The first few months of our relationship were what romantic fantasies are made of. He took me on several trips, one of which was a trip to see gbotemi at ife, to see the Zoo, Ooni's palace and insisted on paying for everything because he wanted to take care of me. His family was much wealthier than mine and my family always had difficulty making ends meet. And I was hoping to marry him soon as I leave sch, though I had 2years more. He told me constantly that he loved me and I was perfect for him. He bought me expensive jewlry, we went to several formal events where he surprised me with gorgeous evening gowns and beautiful boquets of flowers. He treated my siblings and my parents with the utmost respect. He would spoil my sisters and parents with gifts. For any place I wanted to go, he would pick me up in his car and drive me around so that I wouldn't tire out from driving. I was in heaven. I felt so lucky to have a guy who treated me so well. And I always want it to last forever. And sometimes when he demands for sex, I always give it to him like if you can do all this sweet things for me, then you deserve a sexual treat. During our one and half years of relationship I lost count of the number of times we had sex but the figure should be more than 300 times if not exaggerating. Lemme give you a gist about one night with him *winks*. After leaving a social function together, we booked a room at Megavons hotel in Ikeja (a subsidiary of WAEC). After having our bath, I was too tired to do anything than lie down and sleep. But he asked for sex, I didn't want to make him sad, so I let him slide his finger through, was wet already and he did me strong thing. On too many occasions sef, he will try to grab my ass or boobs in public which I take because I love him. Then, subtly, things began to change. His job demanded more of his time. He started to work more overtime, so I started to spend time with my friends and meeting new people. Whenever I was out, he would call me and demand to know where I was. If I missed the phone call due to the lack of reception or being in a noisy crowded room, he would yell at me for it. He would accuse me of being with someone else, that I've been sleeping around. So I would spend a couple of hours trying to apologise to him for not picking up his calls and that I'll not do it again. He'd say that I had to drop everything I was doing, no matter if i was spending time with my family or friends or working, I had to pick up. He would lose his temper on little things like me eating and dropping crumbs in his car, me not cutting my hair into the short style he liked, me wearing heels (because it slowed me down while I was walking). All the clothes I wore had to cover me completely. I would be subjected to his anger if I had anything on that revealed a sliver of my cleavage or an inch of stomach flesh. So it looks like am irritating him but I always want to think it's because am not treating him good enough. But I told myself am not taking this anymore when we went to the same social outing differently. I was sitting with my friends and he was with his friends too. I decided to leave him and let him enjoy. But I was looking at him jealously and he didn't have any idea I was in there with him. A lady left the table he was sitting, at that moment I felt like visiting the comfort station. The comfort station has toilets and wash tubs at one side. So I was in the toilet, the girl that left his table was washing her face then my He came in and I heard him say to the girl that "baby am sorry I dump that piece of tramp for you, I spent all I have on her and her family but am sorry and am here to stay with you now". I rushed out of the toilet and reflexively slapped him, he gave me a multiple of 6. This wasn't the first time though, there cases of messages that I can't decipher but I trusted him. After that incidence he sent me text messages begging me and that I should come back to him. No I don't know what to do, is it to break up with him or not because we haven't broken up officially. But after this I wondered, is it that I gave in to him too early? Is it because don't spend much time together lately? Am I a pest? Or he did all d mr nice guy thing because he wanted my body? Confused!!! But all I can say is have been emotional abused by the one I love. And I can't do this any more. " So that's the story from dammy, no one is a master in relationship. But little advice won't be bad. Just pass a comment and encourage my friend.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013


And in her own words it is not her silver jubilee, it is her Zinc jubilee. That's how funny she can be most times. My godmother is one person you are not lucky to have, I get jealous when people try to share her with me not because am too possesive but because she's too precious and I don't want to share her with anyone. To say I love you is an understatement. She's a rare woman of rare qualities and that's just least about the praiseworthy things about her. My mom in whom I am well pleased. And it's your birthday "godmoda"......... I salute your courage through life, when there's happiness you smile, when there's reason to be sad you choose to be happy because you know that depression is no good food to the soul. Those moments that we laughed about, that bugging issue we discussed, the number of times we don't sleep because we just wanna be there for each other. The promises of loving each other no matter what the situation might be. Your life to me is a metaphor to me. Your life is a stage of "dramas" and your courage the theme of all the plays. Love you for the tears we shed together, admire you for how move past every down casting moments. To me you are the best student of ecclesiastes chapter3vs1-6. You understand perfectly well that there's a time for everything. Just like your name OLUWAJUWONLO, you know that God is above all you enemies and trials. So what each time and tide carries is the doing of the Lord. And why would I forget the laugh that covers your cry? The people you love, those you just wanna say the opposite of love to. What about the smiles you have because of flexz, the anxiety you always have to talk to "godsis", the way you call abdulai your love. What about the BBM engagement u get from Efe? But the smile is cherish most is that that you have for MUM and Auntie Bisi. This two people will never stop loving you, and they are your own "humanic" solid rock, they 'gats' your back anytime anyday. To the woman I rely on and a woman whose love will never fade from my heart, a priceless jewel, it's your birthday.......enjoy and merry. Play Olamide like there's no 2mao. This is my little Gift to you. Love you till eternity's eternity.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

What Do You Want In Life?

What do you want from life? Many people struggle with this question. Maybe you do too? Life can get so busy that we don’t have time to really think about what we want out of it. And when we do realize what we want, it can seem impossible to achieve. Since I came across Dr Myles Munroe's Pursuit of Purpose, I have always strived in finding purpose to everything I do or I try to know the Purpose of what I'm doing. The one thing I want out of life is purpose; to find my calling and live it. To some, all they want in Life is to live a meaningful life. That is, in the end, to be able to say I made a positive change that had a major effect on a large community (leaving the world better off somehow). These people only want to live a good life that's worth remembering. Just like a friend with "MR GOODLIFE" as a nickname. There are people who only want in life productivity in life. To experience a paradigm shift that helps them view challenges differently, especially relating to self discipline and motivation. Their productivity will be achieved as a matter of finding one's talent, dedication, self discipline and self confidence. In the light of these reasons, it seems that what most people yearn for is peace, to be relieved of self-doubts, to engage in meaningful work and to be happy. Happiness is all we want in Life. No one wakes up and asks God for sadness. We want a life where there's freedom, and that my many obligations would not be an obstacle to feel free. To know that what I’m doing is worthwhile – the work I do, the way I live my life and interact with people. What do you want in Life? There are many things we want in life that are not here. What would you love to add to the reasons above? Please offer us your thoughts in the comments.

Monday, 7 January 2013


Being a shopaholic is not as bad as we think and not really good too. Oniomania ( is the technical term for the compulsive desire to shop, more commonly referred to as compulsive shopping, shopping addiction, shopaholism, compulsive buying . Shopaholism often has roots in early experience, with failed parent-child transactions leading people to turn to objects to fill the sense of void and empty identity. Children who experience parental neglect often grow up with low self-esteem because throughout much of their childhood they felt unimportant as people, and turned to substitute comforts, such as toys or food, in compensation for loneliness. An example is the case of Michael Jackson. Adults who depended on materials for emotional support when they were much younger are more likely to become addicted to shopping because of the ongoing sentiment of deprivation they endured as children: the purchase of toy or food is substituted for affection. perfectionism, general impulsiveness and compulsiveness, and the need to gain control have also been linked to the disorder. Here are my own prescriptions to curb excessive shopping : 1) Only carry cash. Don’t use checkbook. Don’t even use a debit card. Inconvenient? Absolutely, but that’s the point. If you’re a compulsive spender, your goal is to break the habit. To do this, you’ve got to make sacrifices. You’ve also got to begin to make the connection between buying something and actually spending money. 2) In cases where you can't use cash, create an account with the lowest cash you can ever imagine for shopping. That's the only debit card you should always walk with. 3)Play mind games. For some people, money is not an emotional issue. They understand it intuitively. They’re able to make the smart choices without temptation to do otherwise. For most of us, though, money is more about mind than it is about math. For us, it can be useful to play tricks on ourselves. Ask yourself: “Is this a want or a need?” Try to discover what is motivating the purchase. Find purpose to every purchase you are going to make and what is going to fulfil. Yes, these are simple little tricks. But they’re tricks that work. If they can help you stop spending, that’s all that matters. 4) Ask for help. Beating an addiction can be tough when you’re going it alone. Seek support from your friends and family. Ask your spouse to help. (And be open when they call you on your actions — don’t get angry.) If you are a big fan of Keeping Up with the Kardashians then you won't have missed an episode where Kim was helped by other members of the family to curb her excessive shopping. 5) Finally, consider seeking professional help. There is no shame in obtaining psychotherapy for problems that seem bigger than you. Ultimately you must look inward to overcome any form of addiction — a therapist is like a trained guide who can help you find the way. All these ways won't work without a little bit of discipline.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013


And its a new year. Thank God for his protection over us all. To be among the living souls in 2013 is not by our might but by the Grace of God. We should not just celebrate the new year without drawing out an architectural plan for 2013. Every success story 's foundation is always making good plan. A good plan with Heart or desire for implementation. If we sow well, we reap well! In 2013 Count your blessings, and rid your mind of negative people and things. Cut Off Any Body who isn't adding to your Life Positively!!!!!! . The beauty of life does not depend on just how happy you are but also on how happy others are because of you! Make a positive impact on people's life, whether you'll get a reward or not. One other thing to do is "believe in yourself". No matter how difficult your situation is believe you can do it and only you can do it better. Happy new year and the blessings thereof shall be ours.