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Wednesday, 30 January 2013


There's one thing I know that you all don't know that's THE SECRET. The secret of the law of attraction.
The Secret Law Of Attraction is the most powerful law in the universe.

The knowledge of this law has run like a golden thread through the lives and the teachings of all the prophets, seers, sages and saviors in the world's history, and through the lives of all truly great men and women.

All that they have ever accomplished or attained has been done in full accordance with this most powerful law.

This law can work in getting you anything that you want or desire. The law is at simple as ; you can attract whatever you want in life but you have to have a powerful mind. For example if you are always sad, you attract sadness to your life. So let me relate it to you in a sense you'd understand.

So many people work so hard to make money only to find that, rather than create more money, they only create more work. If we understand the Law of Attraction (that we get more of what we put our attention on), it only makes sense. Our attention is on the work - on what we have to do to make money.

But you don't have to do anything, and in this infinitely abundant universe, you don't have to make money; it's already everywhere.

What's more, those working so hard to make money are making money; they're just not keeping it, or using it for the things they desire. "But I have bills.

I have needs that must be met before I can spend on my desires," the argument goes. The typical conclusion? "I simply need to make more." So how do we make money to meet our needs and fulfill our desires?

Focus on the desire. One of the fundamental keys to attracting money into your life is, rather than focusing on the money, focus instead on what it is you want that money to help you do or have.

We already focus on money and work and meeting our needs, and look what happens. The Law of Attraction brings us money and work and meets our needs (we eat, we have shelter, and we're not dead yet). Focus on that which we desire and the Law of Attraction will also bring us the means to attain it.

It's not an either/or situation; not in this universe, it isn't.

On a spiritual level it can be argued that the only reason you don't have the money for what you want yet is because either you haven't seen yourself as having that desire fulfilled or you haven't brought yourself into energetic alignment with its happening.

Either that or you already do have the money for. what you want here and now and your vision is just too clouded for you to see it.

Fear of scarcity and lack cloud our ability to recognize our current state of abundance. We're so afraid of losing what we have or of not having enough for what we need that we cling to whatever we do have; we horde.

This keeps us cut off from the free flow of infinite abundance that is our natural state. Our focus on scarcity and lack creates more scarcity and lack. Our focus on the little we do have keeps us having little.

Despite common misunderstanding, "Money is the root of all evil," is not how the saying goes; it's actually: "The love of money is the root of all evil."

Money is just a means to an end. Fixating on the means rather than the end is the error. That just keeps you locked in a vicious and exhausting cycle of pursuing endless means. The 'end' is just your current desires. Are your desires evil? If you judge them to be so, then it's your desires you may need to change.

But chances are you don't think your desires are evil. Removing the stigma you may have about money is a invaluable step in allowing money to pass through your hands.

Everything is in motion. Like water, like breath, like time - everything flows. Disengaging from the flow is the way to create and perpetuate and reinforce the illusion of scarcity and lack. Engaging in the flow is the way to attract affluence.


Ever notice how a chronic complainer always seems to have something to complain about? Or how certain people always seem sunny and bright, no matter what hardships they're dealing with, as if the weight of all their troubles seems to just slip right off them? What's that all about?

:"When it rains, it pours," the proverbial 'they' say; why is that? Why does everything seem to go from bad to worse for some people while for others nothing ever seems to go wrong? In a word: magnetism. Everyone has a magnetic personality. How about that?

In all our endless trials and tribulations to get what we want in life, the solution - or maybe more aptly put: the method - is startlingly simple:

Like attracts like.

That's it. Whatever energy we put into out into the world is precisely the energy we get back. And having all your heart's desires fulfilled doesn't get any harder than that.

If you put out to the world that nothing goes your way, that everything you touch turns to (insert expletive here), that good things happen to other people but not to you, then that's exactly what you're going to get: more circumstances justifying those beliefs.

But if instead you put out to the world that you can handle any challenges that come your way, that you can do anything you put your mind to, that love is the answer to every question, that you deserve to be happy, healthy, and fulfilled, then everywhere you turn, that is just what you'll find.

One way to look at it is that the Universe (or God, or whatever other name you choose to give to the all-present, all-powerful, creative force underlying everything) wants you to have what you want. And when you put out certain vibrations into the Universe, it takes those as messages from you that that's what you want created.

The Universe is there to serve you. It will produce for you whatever evidence you need to justify the world as you see it. Therefore, if you see the world as a dark, cold, and unfriendly place, that's exactly what you'll get. But by the same token, if you instead choose to see the world as a loving, giving, and abundant place, then that's the world you'll get.

Why doesn't everybody do this then? How is it that so many people can use "logic" and evidence from their own lives to argue against it? And "why do bad things happen to good people, then?"

Because the evidence we speak of does not necessarily come in the form or the time frame we expect. (In fact usually it does not). And because proof must follow belief, not the other way around. We can't wait until we see this phenomenon proven before we take is a truth. We must make the brave choice to see it that way first, and then watch the proof snowball in.

We can't control situations, but we can control our inner state, and it is this - our internal mental/emotional/spiritual state, our perceptions, interpretations, and attitudes - that the Universe mirrors to give us what it thinks we want, namely: more of that same negative or positive energy.

In a very real way, we are magnets that draw to us more of whatever vibrations we emit. It can be argued that we do not live in the same world as everyone else, that we live each in our own world, shaped by our expectations and beliefs. If your expectations and beliefs are positive ones, then you will find circumstances bending over backwards to prove you right. If, however, you persist on painting everything with a negative brush, the Universe will only be too happy to oblige.

For comprehensible details on this secret check . Or contact me for the clip.

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