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Thursday, 18 July 2013


The almost new trending word is friendzone. Twitter, facebook, BBM and even 2go are the serious platform of the discussion about the term. I get seriously confused these days not just because of the new relationship term but because I'm deeply rooted in it. So I sum up all my meanings of it to just one Which is, Friendzone is what you attain after you fail to impress a woman you're attracted to. Usually initiated by the woman saying, "You're such a good friend". To me friendzone has two sides, the side where you want a sexual or romantic relationship with someone while the other side is the other person not wanting it!

Some men who claim to be in the friend zone believe that they are entitled to a relationship by being kind or caring, thereby putting the blame on the recipient of these actions for not wanting a relationship. This behavior has made the concept of the friend zone charged with negative connotations, and anyone using the term are now often seen as expressing this form of entitlement and blame, even if they are in fact only expressing the undesirability of the situation.

There are differing explanations of why you can end up in the friendzone. But for me, my own explanations are Nigerian, civil and true!

One is the MR NICE GUY syndrome. Where you are kind and caring to a gurl you love and she sees you as nothing more than a brother! Read on a friend's blog that girls don't really dig the Nice guy thing anymore, they go for the bad guys and come crying for help from the MR nice Guy.

A girl can also get friendzoned but it is not really common.
It is actually some people's fault they get friendzoned.
Seriously I know it's fun to laugh at guys who are stuck in the friend zone, but I'm getting a little tired of them blaming the girls for their status. No one told you to become a bench when her feet got tired. Look in the mirror friend zoned dude!! Maybe the problem is you! When you want a girl, while not tell her you want her. Stop playing the friendship thingy. That maybe one day she will jump on you and understand you love her. It happens only in movies.

Then again, maybe she does know and you're the one who is clueless to the hints she's giving you that she's just not into you that way. You know it is possible for a guy and girl to just be friends. You're the one who made it awkward by falling in love. That was the case in 500 days of summer! But if you've seen Araromire(figurine), Ramsey Noah's kinda Friendzone is the greatest ever.

Having someone carry you over puddles and chauffeur you to dates might seem great at first, but eventually you start to lose all respect for a guy who does whatever you say. Like seriously u can't be more than a friend if you follow her to all the shows. One girl I know actually got a guy friend to come over every day to just gist about Gays and lesbian. And when I told her the guy is in love with her, she said "eww I can't even date that gay".  Let that be a cautionary tale for you, friend zone prone guys.

I and Gbenga are victims of friendzone. But in our own case(s), it is with our EX. We love them so much that after break up we still wanna continue loving them. But they on the other side see us as friends or brothers. Oh well! I guess they are reading this too, we love you girls. I'm sure gbenga is tired of the valley of friend zone.

One of the ways of how to get out of this zone is be bold to tell her you love her, it's either a yes or no.

Also stop the mr Nice guy thingy....... I'm not saying you should stop been nice but be a hard guy. Let her know there's a difference between being Nice and what you feel for her.For many people, a big distinction between "friendship" and "relationship" is the way they touch. There are platonic ways to touch someone, and romantic ways, and the boundary is different for different people. But if you're terrified of touching someone the wrong way, to the extent that you hesitate and never touch them first, your intentions may be good but your "touch paralysis" isn't helping you at all in the romantic department. Take a few little "touch risks". Reach for their hands, hair, shoulders, ankles, and back. Don't just always wait for them to do it first. If they don't like it, they'll definitely let you know. But touching someone communicates to them that you find them attractive, and also that you're reasonably confident. Both of these things can make someone feel more .

Anyways these are just my own views...... Add yours! Lol


  1. Sorry bro,I left the zone. Nice piece there, its just sad :( that its the Mr Nice Guys who ends up bn zoned, usually seen as a shoulder to cry on. The key to get out of the zone is to speak ur mind, be confident.

  2. LOL. Nice read but I believe no zoning is permanent if you have the will and the means.
