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Saturday 28 July 2012

Believe in yourself

"Bennie, you can do anything they can do, only you can do it better!". Those words are not mine but those of Sonya Carson to Ben Carson after a woeful performance by the latter, her son. Is there something you'd like to become and you think is too big to be achieved? Do you always think you can't? This is the answer and solution to all "can'ts"; believe in yourself! It didn't take Ben carson much to believe in himself, then he moved from being a dummy to a genius. If Ben could do it then it takes only you to do it better. There are many factors in life that arguably may let you think you can't achieve what you aimed. Examples of these are turn-downs from friends, family and society. But all of these are not excuses for you to be a failure. For you to achieve things the first great step you must take is to believe in yourself and every other thing will fall into place. Having a dream is one thing, believing in yourself that you can achieve what u dreamt is another. Imagine if Obama had said "No, I can't", he wouldn't have become the first black american president. Too many examples of great men and women that took the decision of believing in themselves. They discovered what you haven't, I.e the self. Discover it and believe in it. Unleash the greatness in you!

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